Sunday, October 22, 2006

You, Tyra Banks, are no Oprah

Okay, I know that sometimes Oprah Winfrey goes a little over the deep end. But, people, this is Oprah we are talking about. I think she and her audience members are allowed to freak out when she gives each of them a new car. Or cures diseases or whatever she is doing now on her show. But Tyra Banks is no Oprah.

What on earth could have caused these women to lose it like they did? Is it the fact that they were just given a gift valued at $100? If they had actually gone to work that day, those audience members could have EARNED that much money. And with that $100, they could have purchased something less atrocious than a rhinestoned tub of Vaseline.

(I can't believe I just typed the phase " rhinestoned tub of Vaseline.")