Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pretty cool trip

One week before Thanksgiving, I went on a trip for work. We traveled to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a one-day meeting with potential clients. While it was a great meeting and I learned alot, the best part was our transportation. We chartered a plane and flew from Olathe, Kansas to Sioux Falls. It was a twin-engine Beechcraft (see stock photo), with enough room for a pilot and a passenger up front, with four seats in back. We only had three in back and our knees were touching.

We left the ground at about 6:40 am. As we broke through the clouds, we watched the sun come up from the teeny-tiny plane. It was very cloudy, so the rest of that leg was uneventful.

The flight back was a treat. It was a beautiful, clear night. We departed Sioux Falls at about 5:50 pm and followed I-29 all the way home. I am very familiar with that route (I usually traverse it by car at least 3 times a year), so I was able to pick out the towns and cities as we flew by.

Even though we are all adults, it was hard to hide our excitement once we got close to home. By the time we came upon Kansas City, we were all like little kids at Christmas.

"There's the speedway!"
"I think that's downtown!"
"Is that KCI?"
"There's our office!"
"I see Target!"

It was pretty cute.