Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Ben and I booked our trip to Hawaii!! We leave on April 26th and return on May 4th. I cannot explain how excited I am!!

So, if you are looking for me sometime in the next 3 months, I can be found at the gym. Wish me luck!

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas and happy trails!

Ben, myself, my mom, dad and sister are heading up to South Dakota tomorrow (wish us luck on spending 6 hours in a car together!) for our Christmas celebration. We will be with my mom's family, eating, drinking and being merry. We will play bingo, in the Hanson tradition, and laugh until our stomachs give out. I'm really looking forward to it.

We will return on Christmas Day, as Ben and I both gotta make our endz, meaning we go back to work on the 26th.

I wish everyone a fun, safe and relaxing Christmas!! Happy birthday Jesus!

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

work safety vol. 2

So, just yesterday I posted about the carbon monoxide alarm going off....well, today my office was evacuated!

When I got into work today, I noticed a smell and the alarm was still going off. I was feeling lightheaded, but wasn't sure if it was just my aversion to mornings, acute carbon monoxide poisoning or me overreacting.

I had a meeting at 9:30 with a vendor, which I took off-site as not to poison someone that works for us. As we sit down with our coffee, I see a firetruck screaming down the road. I joke, "wouldn't it be funny if it was headed to my office?" Well it was.

My building was swarming with 2 firetrucks and half of the Olathe Police Department. Turns out, we have been exposed to slightly elevated carbon monoxide fumes for a few weeks.

Woohoo! Half day off! Question: should I really be this excited about my health being in danger? Who cares?! I can have a beer with lunch on a Thursday! Totally worth it! Plus, if I have done anything stupid in the past few weeks (only a small likelihood, really), I can blame it on the CO. That's a win-win-win!! Right?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

little sweeties

I was on the Kansas City Plaza last night, ringing a bell for the Salvation Army, and this little sweetie walks by, hand in hand with her mom. She is staring up, mesmerized by the thousands of Christmas lights lining the buildings. She turns to me and says, "thanks for the lights!" I told her, "you're welcome!"

Later, another cute little one was lifted up to the bucket by her dad to drop in her change. Her daddy said, "can you tell her what this is for?" To this the little sweetie opened her big blue eyes even wider and told me, "for people who don't have food."


work safety

I was greeted at work this morning by the beep beep beep of a carbon monoxide detector. Shouldn't my company provide me with a safe workplace? Why am I the only one who is concerned about this? Maybe everyone else is too woozy from the poisoned air to be able to worry about it....

(slowly going crazy to the tune of beep beep beep)


Monday, December 10, 2007

new favorite past time

Okay, you may know my affinity for celebrity gossip. Don't get me wrong - I know it's brain rot. I am fully aware of that. But I pass it off as entertainment. Plus it really makes me feel normal. (Britney anyone?) But I found myself wasting too much time with it. So, I grounded myself. I am not allowed to look at celebrity gossip until after the New Year. Obviously, I need a new vice. So, now I am addicted to lolcats. I have been loving lolcats for a while now, but I have really stepped up my consumption. Not only do I visit daily, I vote on the new submissions. This means unlimited entertainment for Sal. Check it out: I even made some of my own for Milo and Alex! Click here, here and here.

Is there a 12 step program for this? Any help is appreciated.

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Back in business?

Hello out there in cyberland! I realize it has been approximately one million years since I last posted. How very un-web 2.0 of me. And I can't promise that I will get back to regular posting, but I will try. I've had a very hard past 6 months and a few things that I enjoy had to be pushed to the side. Things are getting better, but I am still overwhelmed by life.

Anyway, I hope I still have a few readers out there. Thanks!
